It involves challenging ourselves to take risks, face fears, and pursue new opportunities, even if they may seem daunting or uncertain at first. When we push beyond our comfort zone, we open ourselves up to new experiences, perspectives, and possibilities for growth and personal development.

While it may be tempting to stay within the safety of our comfort zone, the benefits of expanding our boundaries can be profound, both in terms of our personal lives and our professional endeavours.

Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone and become the best version of yourself? This exercise is all about having your own back and not letting negative outcomes bring you down. We'll be taking a mindful approach to our emotions, watching them pass without judgment, so that we can move past fear and reach our goals.

We're calling it the "dare of the day" - every day, challenge yourself to stretch past your boundaries and manage your mind, process your emotions, and be there for yourself. This applies to any area of your life where you want to see growth - whether it's in your health, career, or relationships.

Challenge yourself to confront your fears and doubts by committing to daily instances of pushing past your comfort zone. See how powerful you truly are by allowing yourself to feel and embrace your emotions, yet still taking action. You'll soon realize that you're capable of far more than you give yourself credit for, and that stepping out of your comfort zone won't kill you.

If you're limiting yourself by shrinking away from all possibilities, bring them into your awareness by asking yourself some simple questions, such as: What would I do differently today if I wasn't afraid? What could I say to someone if I wasn't shy? What would I take on if I didn't worry about failing? Identify the feeling holding you back and imagine what you would do or explore if you didn't have it.

Developing confidence takes time, but it can be achieved by taking small, daily actions that prove to yourself that you are capable of more than you think. By practicing acts of kindness, making new connections, and challenging yourself to try new things, you can start to embed a stronger sense of self into your identity. Whether it's volunteering in your community, trying a new fitness activity, or coming up with creative ways to grow your business, the key is to start small and build on your successes.

Success in every challenge isn't necessary, the goal is to show yourself that you have the ability to handle any outcome by being open to processing emotions in any situation and having your own back.

Don't underestimate the power of the "dare of the day" - it's much more than just a silly task. This exercise can help you develop the growth mindset needed to recognize and pursue opportunities with confidence.

To prepare for any challenge, try imagining yourself as the future version of you who has already accomplished it. By aligning your thoughts and feelings with this reality, you can overcome self-doubt and tap into the energy of success.

Approach your goals with the mindset of having already achieved them, and fear will be replaced with familiarity and calm. You won't feel the need to control every outcome or rush to the finish line, because you're already familiar with what lies ahead. So take things one step at a time, and trust that your trial-and-error efforts will get you to where you need to be.

Don't let fear hold you back. With this exercise, you'll learn to free yourself from limiting beliefs and align with the greater version of yourself that can truly take you to the next level. Are you ready to dare yourself to be your best self?

Listen to podcast episode 12 – Dare of the Day