Have you ever found yourself in the throes of a dramatic love story, feeling like you've been sideswiped by Cupid's arrow, only to end up nursing a heartache that makes you question the validity of every romantic comedy you've ever seen? Well, buckle up, because we're about to unravel the tangled web of "love hurts" and discover why this cliché might not hold water when you're sipping from the cup of pure, untainted love.

Picture this: You're standing in the cosmic supermarket of emotions, and there it is—love, gleaming in all its glory. But wait, is it really as simple as it seems? Are we all just one serendipitous meeting away from a lifetime of heartaches, aching sighs, and dramatic exits? Not so fast, love aficionados!

The idea that "love never hurts" isn't just some cheesy Hallmark sentiment; it's a profound notion that challenges some widespread misconceptions about love. To get the lowdown, we're diving headfirst into the science of love, relationships, and the art of not throwing emotional grenades at each other.

Imagine this scenario: You're perched on the edge of your seat, waiting for the perfect romantic moment to sweep you off your feet. But hold on a second. What if the problem isn't love itself but the gigantic, burdensome expectations we've pinned on it? Newsflash: Love isn't a weapon we can brandish or a shield we can raise. It's an emotion—an intricate dance of neurochemicals and hormones that light up our brain like fireworks on the Fourth of July.

You know that feeling of butterflies in your stomach, that electric connection when you're with someone you truly care about? Well, that's the handiwork of your brain's biochemical cocktail. But here's the kicker: Those fireworks are set off by your thoughts and perceptions, not by the other person's actions. Yep, you read that right. Love isn't something the other person does to you; it's an experience you create for yourself.

So, the next time you find yourself spiralling into a vortex of romantic turmoil, remember this: Love's primary recipient is YOU. When we withdraw love, we're not punishing the other person; we're robbing ourselves of the incredible experience of feeling love. It's like denying yourself dessert because you think someone else should be deprived of it. Makes no sense, right?

Now, let's get cozy with the idea that love is more than just candlelit dinners and heart-eyed emojis. It's the universal language that transcends boundaries, whether you're crushing on your barista, adoring your grandma, or practicing some good ol' self-love. But here's the twist: Love doesn't hurt. It's our lofty expectations and skewed perceptions that create the drama.

Ever wondered why we sometimes go from mooning over someone to wanting to strangle them with their own shoelaces? It's not love that's playing mind games; it's our self-made rulebook of how others should act to prove they love us. And let's face it, expecting someone else to fit neatly into our "how-to-love-me" manual is like trying to teach a goldfish ballet.

So, how do we dodge Cupid's capricious arrows and avoid the epic heartbreaks? Cue the dramatic reveal: Unconditionally love yourself and others. Say goodbye to the conditional love contract and hello to the boundless, evergreen expression of love that radiates from within. And while you're at it, communicate like a pro, empathize like a superhero, and set boundaries that would make a professional fence builder proud.

Still, there's the burning question: What about when our loved ones act like certified jerks? Yes, it's okay to set boundaries and address their behaviour, but dropping the L-bomb doesn't mean surrendering to mistreatment. You can still love them while leaving them behind, like a superhero walking away from an explosion without looking back.

So, there you have it, love warriors. The idea that "love never hurts" isn't just a trite phrase; it's a life-changing perspective that invites us to dance to the rhythm of pure love, untarnished by expectations or misconceptions. Love, when wielded consciously, becomes an empowering force that nurtures, heals, and builds connections that withstand the test of time. So go on, sprinkle a little love fairy dust everywhere you go and let it light up your world!

Listen to podcast episode 28 - Love Never Hurts - From Withdrawal to Connection