Discover the root cause of your insecurities, control issues, relationship problems, lack of self-confidence, and self-sabotaging behaviours. Do you feel like life is happening to you and you're powerless to change it?

Do you ever find yourself having constant conversations with yourself throughout the day? Our minds are trained to search for potential threats to increase our chances of survival, leading us to focus on the negative aspects of situations or ourselves. This instinctual programming is pre-installed in us, causing us to search for weaknesses to protect ourselves. It's like our own personal alarm signal telling us to stay in our cave and avoid any risks. But why do we let ourselves be limited by this primitive way of thinking?

The way you talk to yourself can shape your entire life. The more you repeat certain phrases and beliefs about yourself, the more they become ingrained in your mind. These thoughts become your core beliefs, affecting every aspect of your life. They can also become a self-fulfilling prophecy, reinforcing feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness. Your mind will interpret the world through this lens, giving you evidence to support your negative beliefs and making them even stronger over time.

Have you ever considered that the way we perceive the world is not necessarily the reality of it? In fact, our perceptions are skewed by our own personal biases and experiences. We're not just passive observers of our surroundings, but rather active participants in shaping our own reality.

So, if you're feeling disconnected and unloved, the first step is to love and connect with yourself unconditionally. Criticizing and judging others reflects your own thought patterns. To achieve your goals and desires, you must commit to and honour yourself. You can start living into your future self now by imagining how you would think, feel, and act if you had already achieved your goals. Rather than putting yourself down, you need to be your biggest cheerleader. No one else can do this job for you.

By learning to be there for yourself and fulfilling your own needs and desires, you'll no longer rely on others or turn to destructive habits to escape pain and rejection. It's time to take control and create a fulfilling life for yourself.

Listen to podcast episode 6 – the most important relationship of all