Welcome back to the Battered Souls podcast with Dylan Charles.

Ceremony has been an important part of my life for the last 15 years, and for this episode I speak with my teacher and good friend Jonathon Miller-Weisberger about the details in preparing yourself for a proper yagé ceremony.

Jonathon is the owner and propietor of Ocean Forest EcoLodge in the Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica, the author of Rainforest Medicine, and an accomplished facilitator and steward of the Secoya tradition of the Upper Amazon.

As an ethnobotanist and conservationist, Jonathon has a world of knowledge about plants and wildlife, sharing his wisdom with those called to experience this ancient, sacred medicine.

In this episode we discuss many aspects of preparing for a proper ayahuasca ceremony in body, mind, spirit, set and setting.

Find Jonathon at OceanForest.org and RainforestMedicine.net.

Join one of his upcoming medicine retreats in Ecuador or Costa Rica HERE.

Find my coaching work at DylanCharlesCoaching.com, and sign up for my free newlsetter!

Peace and Power,

_Dylan Charles