Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

Since 2011, no other topic at Waking Times has garnered as many collective page views as our articles on the physical, social, and spiritual perils of alcohol, which I find quite telling.

Perhaps people are sick of hangovers, or of losing control of themselves and doing dumb things they regret? Or maybe people have just wisened up to the fact that alcohol consumption is broadly toxic to the body, mind and spirit, creating unnecessary challenges in life?

Or, perhaps because of all of these reasons, alcohol is simply losing its cool.

In 2017 I penned an article entitled 20 Common Things People Realize When They Quit Drinking Alcohol, which has been viewed almost 420,000 times. At the time, I myself was wanting an alcohol free life, but was sill stuck in the old addiction and cultural programming, which had me under the influence of the notion that life without alcohol just couldn’t possibly be any fun.

And isn’t that what alcohol is supposed to be all about… fun?

That’s a lie, and odd isn’t it that something so ubiquitous in our world, something so universally depended on, and so accepted as necessary to daily life, is also so widely recognized to be the most self-destructive, and socially dangerous substance in our world.

As I write this today I am nearing 2 years of sobriety from alcohol, and life just keeps getting better. I wrote this post to give inspiration and encouragement for any spiritual seekers out there who are challenged to let go of social and emotional dependency on alcohol. It’s a subject which comes up quite often in my coaching practice, and I always advise my clients to get this poison out of the way so that they can get a clear picture of what is holding them back and driving them to self-sabotage.

Here are some of things I’ve learned in these past years by letting go of my addiction to alcohol. If any of this resonates with you, and if you’re seeking clarity and independence from alcohol or anything else slowing you down, book a FREE 15-minute call with me and I’ll put all of my attention on any problems or challenges you are presently facing.

In order to solidify my sobriety and reprogram my mind to love an alcohol free life, I’ve often found it inspiring to listen to the stories of celebrities and interesting people who’ve conquered this demon in their lives. I’ve attached a great inspirational video on this below.

My hope is that if you’re struggling with alcohol, or if you’ve realized that drinking does not serve your highest self, then this post gives you the motivation you need to conquer your fear and put your own life and happiness above everything else. If I can be a part of your journey, book a free 15-minute call with me HERE to discover how my personal coaching may be valuable to you.

Peace and Power,

_Dylan Charles

About the Author

Dylan Charles is a self-mastery and self-sabotage coach, the editor of Waking Times, and host of the Battered Souls podcast. His personal journey is deeply inspired by shamanic plant medicines and the arts of Kung Fu, Qi Gong and Yoga. After seven years of living in Costa Rica, he now lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains, where he enjoys serving, training, and spending time with family. He has written hundreds of articles, reaching and inspiring millions of people around the world. Follow Dylan on telegram here, and sign up for his weekly newsletter here. On Facebook

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